Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Good Month April

"April's a good month!" That's what I told my pal last Friday. I really have him to thank for that. First he "brainwashed" me into going with them to the beach, which I never had regrets for. Second, he nominated me for the Quality & Training Awards for the same month, as I've mentioned a few entries ago. And third is even better...

I BAGGED IT! Woohoo!!!

His nomination got converted! Yeah! I took my trophy and showed it to him last Friday. We thought it was great. He was even the one who kept on showing it off. Then I told him what my boss told me- "We had four nominees in PSU (PeopleSupport University) but yours is different because your nomination came from Operations Department, which is what Jim (Quality Assurance Director) is actually looking for. The other three nominations came from within PSU." then I gave him a good pat on the back saying, "Good job! Good job!" Heheh.

I think it is both our victory. Some of my projects were his idea and I just simply execute it. Hmmm... his idea + my skills = great tandem. Cool!

But it's kinda weird though. Knowing that I got nominated did more impact than actually getting the award. I don't know what this means but I'm guessing that while I like the recognition, I'm more of the behind-the-scenes person. And knowing that I'm appreciated by the people I care about is already a winning deal.

Basta it's a darn good feeling I can't explain. I'm happy happy happy [hop hop hop]. Amidst the toxic I witness everyday, wala akong care! I'm happy happy happy! Wheeeeee!!!

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