Sunday, November 18, 2007


M1: "Have you ever wanted (something) so bad that you shout (it) to the universe and you start to feel that you already have (it)?"

M2: (listens)

M1: "Have you ever been so sure about something that it's starting to scare you?"

M2: "Why would (it) scare you?"

M1: "Well, I wanted (it) before but never got the opportunity to have (it)."

M2: "Why not?"

M1: "Because (it) doesn't want me."

M2: "Why not?"

M1: "Well... you know, 'one of em stuff'..."

M2: "Hmm so what's been really bothering you now?"

M1: "I'm not sure if 'bother' is the right word... In fact, I feel good. I'm happy... the scary part is that I can feel that I have (it) right now even if I really don't. What if...."

M2: "What if what really makes you happy right now was never given a chance to reveal itself whether what comes out will be entirely in your favor or not?"

M1: "...then I will always wonder about it."

M2: "Exactly."

That's me talking to myself. Hehehe.

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