Saturday, March 29, 2008

Prelude to a Happy Weekend

Impatiently waiting at 6:30am, I checked my YM list once more to see if Teban's about to fetch me already. And when I looked, woohoo! He suddenly switched to his usual weekend YM status: "No more working like a dog; No more leash. No more BOSS... I've got a WEEKEND full of nothing to do at all... YEEEHAW!" And he appeared at my station in no time pleading "Uwi na tayo". Yipee! I remember, I used to always shout "Weekend!!!" at the end of my Friday shift when I was an agent. Hehe.

I'm really looking forward to Saturday night (tonight) -- the "Death By" gang's reunion after how many months! During last night's shift, Neil and I were talking about it and we were having the usual jokes-- but of course! At long last, I'm going to be recharged! Been kinda losing my touch at the 4am Sessions. (Translation: ang corny ko na!) And finally, I'll have something to answer to the Monday question, "What did you do during the weekend?" Woot!

So without further ado, Teban and I scrammed. We're both excited; we're going to have gimmick with our respective circles. Troy didn't join us today so it's "Quality Time" for us this morning. But we took the long route and even had breakfast near the Legaspi Park (and I thought he was in a hurry to get sleep hehe). For some reason, today's chat has been extra nice. He "learned" new things from me today- like what "resourcefulness" can do; and about everyone being emotional. Then we talked about our friends, what he's going to wear at the gimmick tonight, the laptop we're gonna buy, my tentative next trip, his definite next trip, the basketball game next Saturday, and looots more. It never ends hehe. We agreed that if I do get that trip, we're gonna go out before I leave since our trip's going to overlap. By the time I get back, he'd still be on vacation. So we'll see :-)

After breakfast, we (guess what) walked passing through the park and of course still talking. The feeling was so light. A few steps later, it's Teban's stop. I hated that walk to end. We said bye and *hugs*. And before I could walk away, he called my attention and if I remember it right, he told me again about that shirt he's going to wear and how he's going to wear it. Haha. Eyng?

I thought, "Hmm... that was a good walk, wasn't it?" Hehe... I was supposed to text him that after I left but I thought, nah, I'll just leave him with his sleep hehe. Something tells me this is going to be a great weekend. And it just started!

Don't you just love "starting" the weekend like this? And I CAN'T WAIT for tonight!! Hope your weekend is as full of good vibes as mine :-)


sundowndos said...

too bad the weekend's over... erg... hehehe...

Myls said...

ahaha! well there's always a next weekend ;)

Allan Antonio said...

I think he's sweet. :) And it's nice to know he makes you happy. Sana next time we have naman an actual conversation. Palagi lang awkward smile plus tentative nod eh when you swing by before you take off. Mwah!

Myls said...

hi Allan. yep he is- sometimes hehe... yeah im sure we'll enjoy it when we have an actual conversation. i'll definitely look forward to that ;) mwah!!