Wednesday, February 04, 2009

16 Things About Me

Okay so I got tagged hehe. Here goes...

1. I'm generally not a snob even if my face sometimes says so.

2. Self-sufficiency is one of my strengths. I like to think that I can survive anywhere.

3. I don't have a sweet tooth. I despise caramel most of all.

4. I'm a big fan of hugs. I think they're better than cheek-to-cheeks.

5. I won't make a good player in any ballgame-- I don't know how to catch. Haha. Yeah, pathetic.

6. I love Legos and jigsaw puzzles. That might be where I developed my skills for picking up clues and putting them together.

7. Part of my daily rituals is playing with my dogs before I go to sleep.

8. Sketching relaxes me. It's my mental-block reliever.

9. I've always believed in "It's not where you are- it's who you're with."

10. I like mismatches and twists with my outfits. Matching colors usually bore me.

11. I'd rather wait than get ditched. Charge per minute applies.

12. A good looking guy will not make my cut if he has no sense of humor.

13. I hate planning. The word itself makes me go "ugh!"

14. I'm still dreaming of Santorini. And someone to take me there is not a bad idea at all.

15. Invisibility is my superpower. Whether I like it or not.

16. Number 1 on my wish list is a nice surprise :-)

If you're reading this post, you're tagged! :p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You forgot something. One of your most valuable assets.

#16b. I do not need to hire a private detective to find things out. I am already am one.
