Tuesday, March 16, 2010

"If You Want More Love, Make More Friends"

The title's inspired by recent and not so recent events that led me to gain new additions to my treasure chest. There's just a certain sense of fulfillment when I'm doing what I'm very passionate about - Friendship.

There was a point in my life when I dreaded the weekends because there's nothing to look forward to. I liked someone then and I kept on wishing he'd ask me out. A friend told me I don't need a partner to be happy and I was kinda forcing myself to believe it. But I couldn't figure it out because it felt like I needed to have it. But after talking to my friend, I suddenly had the urge to keep myself busy by reading. I'm not an avid fan of books but I thought it might be good to do something different. So I called my other friend to borrow her stash of Sophie Kinsella novels.

Just when I've started a "new hobby", along came the kids. Two years later, I still haven't finished the books. I got so preoccupied with them that the only thing that I haven't done is probably live somewhere south where most of them are. I became "mommy" to three beautiful boys and enjoying every second of it. We hung out every weekend and some days in-between. We go to trips together, go to dinner and movies, and chat over coffee. I've forgotten what I'm dreading the weekends for. People started noticing how happy I was.

August of last year, I met my fourth kid over dinner. One weekend, we added each other up in Facebook and chatted for hours. The following weekend, we partied and friendship started from there. I found out later that I came in at the perfect time because he was going through his own struggles then. Before the year ended, he wrote me a letter thanking me for being there at the lowest point of his life. To me, to be thanked like that is the sweetest feeling in the world. I ended up having 7 rounds of reading :p I told him in a letter too that he's a blessing to me.

But it's not just really waiting for someone to come up. When I started going to cycling classes, I met new people and two of them stood out. I didn't have any plans (heck, I hate planning hehe) but there's this emotional attachment that made me want to be friends with them. Weird how that works hehe. I made it a point to see them after class and give them hugs before leaving the gym. Just recently, an opportunity to showcase myself came and I was called for some sponge mode. So I did what I do best. I sat and listened to each of them and shared a part of my brain when I had to. Now I'm adding them to my "kids list". Pat on the back for mommy :p

I'm proud of myself for being there when I'm needed the most. What they may not know know is that they help me too. They help me grow through each of their own troubles and good vibes, giving me an opportunity to test myself with what I could take in and how I would react. I'm happy that I'm at this level of maturity to be patient, silent and honest. It's the best investment I've ever done (second is the gym membership hehe) not only to my kids but to my other close friends as well. And I know that they appreciate my efforts.

Now, I'm pretty much over the "sickening singlehood" phase. I'm actually happy that I'm single and I don't need to worry about anything, and I'm on call for the kids. I make it a point to enjoy every second that I spend with them- joking around, getting hugs, exchanging sweet messages, and having nosebleed conversations. I find it hard to remember how I was without them. They are my blessings - my miracle from God. It's great to feel loved. And I surely love all of them :)


dyosa said...

Welcome back! :D

Anonymous said...

Cheers to single-blessedness!

I'm happy that you are happy! Keep it up, Myls!


Myls said...

@Dyosa - I'm baaaack! Heehee!

@Noel - Thanks as usual!! I'm overwhelmed with GV right now hehe :p