Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Yesterday's To-Do List

So here's how it went...

[ ] Spring cleaning! Clean up my desk. Reorganize. Take down those pictures and
leave just two. Shred shred shred.
- Okay, this one's just partially complete so I'm not yet marking it. I've only reorganized ONE filer! Akh!

[ ] Three words: Training Needs Analysis - what does that mean again? Haha. Kidding. This is in process.

[x] Talk to boss. whew!

[ ] Talk to direct reports. - I'm left with one more so I'm not marking this yet.

[ ] Don't even think about going beyond 15 minutes for coffee break! - I've sucumed to the fact that this may never happen. Haha!

[ ] Plan the next initiative. Set goals and measures. Keep track and analyze. Nosebleed. - Nosebleed, yes. Planning, no.

[ ] Come up with something work-related if you finish this checklist before end of day (akh!)
- HAH!

Wow, 1 out of 7. Not bad.... NOT! Sheeesh! It's tougher than I thought. So for today, I'll stick with the same To-Do list. I have to at least be able to mark all these as "In Process" and complete at the end of the week.

Note to self: One day at a time.

And holy cow! How can I forget the most important thing in the To Do list??!!
[ ] Count my blessings. - In Process!

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