Wednesday, July 28, 2004

If A Dog Were Your Teacher

-Author unknown -

If a dog were your teacher, you would learn stuff like:
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joyride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
When it's in your best interest, practice obedience.
Let others know when they've invaded your territory.
Take naps and stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Thrive on attention and let people touch you.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
On warm days, stop to lie on your back on the grass.
On hot days, drink lots of water and lay under a shady tree.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout...
run right back and make friends.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
Stop when you have had enough.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you're not.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.

And MOST of all...

When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Congratulations 36ers on your 6th month!!!

I'm so proud of you!
(I sound like a nanay, don't I?)

Lazy Weekend
Seems like everyone got a lazy weekend huh.  Tin did.  Ayn did.  I did also.  I just spent weekend at home... yeah just like any other weekends but for some reason, it was boring this time.  I think I spent it mostly getting lotsa sleep and eating M&M's --- argh! bad combination! -- which makes me want to play badminton ASAP!!!

When Craving Attacks

At long last I got to eat Mango Enchiladas!  What a relief!  I've been craving for it since last week!  (actually, since our Tagaytay lunch trip)  I just luuuuv green mangoes.  So last night, I went downstairs with Belle and Jon, and then I went to Dencio's nearby to buy the enchilada.  But the menu was too much temptation.  I ended up ordering Sisig na Bangus (yum yum!) and plain rice.  And when I got off Dencio's, I went to Mini Stop to buy Chicken Kariman and coffee!  Solo food trip ito! Scary!!!  I had lotsa food last night.  (bad! bad!)  Not to mention, I even brought spam and plain rice from home.  "Aaaaa!!!  Masama ito!", I can remember Sally saying it whenever she feels like she's eating too much.  And then suddenly, I remember what Arjay used to tell me when I say "(ops!) Diet!!!".  He would say, "Di bale nang mataba.  Happy naman." ...Oo nga naman! (evil laugh)

Friday, July 23, 2004



Kaya nyo eh!

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

in this room

I don't really relate to this song but I first heard it on CNN's tribute to Ronald Reagan. I thought it's really beautiful... to anyone whose loved ones have departed...

view from the Ronald Reagan Library

      In This Room

         In this room
         lives the sweet ghost
         of a love gone away
         it comes to me
         whispering the things you used to say
         between hills and valleys
         the softness where we lay
         in this room
         it's lonely now
         in this room
         I can barely breathe
         this air that speaks your name
         it flows through me
         from each corner
         from the window frame
         where we used to watch together
         for the sun to rise again
         in this room
         I miss you
         in this room
         there's a place on the wall
         a picture of you and me
         In this room
         I can recall
         the dreams you shared with me
         and it felt like a castle
         now it feels more like a tomb
         in this room
         I remember
         they say true love never dies
         but sometimes lovers do
         and few ever realize
         the kind of love we knew
         in this room
         there were flowers
         sent to ease the pain
         and I pray for hours
         trying to understand
         how one life passing
         could mean this love is through
         in this room.

Saturday, July 17, 2004


My Stars
issue 2 


"Isa shang (angel) na bumaba sa earth!", said one of my "kids". Yep, he's our (angel) alright...

Ever met a guy who's nearly perfect you'd think he's fictitious? (or you'd think he's Belle the perfect one? haha) Well I have -- and Jon is for real! Not one person would disagree if I say he's a good guy. He's way more than just good looks (ahem, parang ako). One of my best "students" too.

A bit of history: I got to know Jon probably after almost the entire female population of PS passed through the "crush ko si Jon" stage. We met when we were Email reps na. I was one of those who squeezed in his old car when we all went to Outback Steakhouse for the Email Team's first gimik night. And that was about two years ago - the first time I knew a Jon Caballero existed. Boy was I lucky!  He introduced me to Friendster.  And I even got to enrol myself for the JCDP - Jonathan Caballero Diet Program. It's just simply playing one-on-one badminton with him. He doesn't bring anything but his skill... naks!  He'd really make you run around the court. Too bad JCDP comes only when there's an eclipse in Pluto.

Knowing Jon is either liking him or liking him. He's a fun person. Very friendly. He may look suplado but he's totally the opposite - super bait. A real gentleman. The sweetest guy in the world. An excellent cook although he hasn't let us taste any of his specialties - yeah, we're just taking his word for it.. or not! Hehehe. He's so good at listening. He's got 100% absolutely unmatched sense of humor (in his dreams). He's also got this "Friday morning sickness" which is when he's most hyper at the office (I think).

Most memorables...

Sweet: When I asked who's the best in training, he said, "siyempre ikaw lang!" 

Mean: Hitting me with a shuttlecock on my nape - fine, accident na kung accident. Nu' ba, magkakampi tayo eh!  Hehehe!

Not too demanding: If you're gonna get him pasalubong from Baguio, it HAS to be from Good Shepherd! :op

Friday, July 16, 2004


Quotes of the Week 

    "This too shall pass..."

    "Hindi ako affected! ...well it's a good start!"

Wednesday, July 07, 2004


Destination: Baguio City

Thank God, this time it didn't rain! And so the Baguio trip pushed through and it's even more fun this time than the first one last year.

Where we stayed: The Manor Hotel, Camp John Hay

What we did: Horseback riding; Biking at Burnham Park (t'was cold!); Getting complimentary sauna and shower at the Manor; Lotsa picture taking; shopping for silvers at Ibay's; and everybody's favorite, getting their pasalubongs!

Places we visited: Mines View Park, The Mansion, Wright Park, PMA, Grotto, Burnham Park, Baguio Cathedral, SM Baguio, ZigZag View, Good Shepherd, and CJH Commisary (more shopping!!!)

Favorite part: the roadtrip and the horseback riding

Worst part: the dreaded journey home

Friday, July 02, 2004

on leave

A few more hours to go and I'm off to a well-deserved rest! I'll be on a 9-day vacation starting this Friday and I'll be back on July 12. Woohoo! (Goodbye for now PS friends! You're gonna miss me!) This would be the first time that I'm going to use my PTO credits for this year. I would've done so earlier had I not been assigned to facilitate trainings almost non-stop since late January. Whew!

Me, Bel, Caje, Geof, Jon, Apol & Gaille
Starbucks, Eastwood

On the lighter side, I've had great weekends amidst the buzzzy schedules. First, I went to Fete de la Musique in Eastwood two Saturdays ago, and met up with my "kids" - Kookie, Rakel & Joji, plus Lod and other PS people. Later that night, I met Belle with friend Caje, TinTin, and Jon & friends. The best part of this gathering? The downpour, my tube top and three shots of Bailey's. Oh how I missed Bailey's!

Next was just this last Saturday when we finally got to see Martin's concert at Onstage, Greenbelt after waiting for almost 2 months. As usual, the concert was great. God he smells gooood! To Martin haters out there, pleaaase... don't waste your time trying to tell me you don't like Martin coz' I really don't care. :op

I'll see yah PS peeps! I hope the Baguio trip will push through this weekend or else I'll reeeeeally get frustrated. Hehe. *sigh* this stupid rain's ruining all my planned trips. Ciao!!!

My Stars next issue... "isa shang (angel) na bumaba sa earth!"